
How to estimate risk feature image

How to estimate risk

The most common question I get when delivering courses on risk management and ISO 14971:2019 is how you should be estimating risk. It is something that many of us have to do when we take part in risk management.

WHAT IS NEW IN ISO 14971:2019 cover image

What is new in ISO 14971:2019

As you may know, in December 2019, the new updated version of the ISO 14971 was released. What does this update mean to you? Use this checklist template if you need help going over your own procedures and documents for

FMEA vs ISO 14971 feature image

FMEA vs ISO 14971

Many medical device manufacturers are working with FMEA. The concern is, does FMEA meet the regulatory requirements as to mark? Is FMEA the same as risk analysis? Or even risk management according to ISO 14971? This video is an

FMEA and risk management according to ISO 14971

Risk management vs FMEA Risk management for medical devices is a comprehensive approach, including requirements for planning the development of a device, to the requirements for a device that is no longer on the market. Even though the standard

Using MS Excel for risk analysis and ISO 14971

Using MS Excel for risk analysis and ISO 14971

Automating risk evaluation Using MS Excel as a typewriting tool does work, but by implementing a few hacks, you can get so much more out of it, and most importantly, you can save time. In this video I will

CE Mark a medical device

CE-mark a medical device

If you intend to place a device on the market in an EU or EFTA country, it must be CE marked by you as a manufacturer or part of a registered clinical investigation. CE stands for “Conformité Européenne”. The

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Would you like to learn more about risk management or design control?

Take a look at our online Risk Management course on ISO 14971:2019 and online Design Control for Medical Devices course.
These courses are taken by both competent authorities, notified bodies and medical device manufacturers and distributors.

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