
EUDAMED logins for beginners blog post feature image

EUDAMED logins for beginners

This article provides an in-depth explanation of EUDAMED logins. You may want to know how to complete all the steps to register as an actor within the database, or how to search for the information you need.

The EUDAMED database blog post feature image

The EUDAMED database

The EUDAMED database enhances traceability, cooperation, and transparency regarding medical devices in the EU. The database is split up in six modules with specific purposes. This article provides an overview of the areas that these modules covers.


The scope and purpose of SOPs and controlling documents

This article focuses on the purpose and scope of essential SOPs (Standard operating procedures) and controlling documents in a QMS. It also covers how and why you should write a thought-through purpose for your SOP or controlling document and how this impacts efficiency.

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Would you like to learn more about risk management or design control?

Take a look at our online Risk Management course on ISO 14971:2019 and online Design Control for Medical Devices course.
These courses are taken by both competent authorities, notified bodies and medical device manufacturers and distributors.

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